The Punjab and Haryana High Court had directed the Punjab Police to file a case against Sidhu Moose Wala for failing to make arrests despite a case being registered against him under severe sections. Yes. P. Notices have been issued to several other police officers. Case no. Registered against Moose Wala on February 1, 2020 at Sadar Mansa Police Station. Case No. 35, registered at Dhanola Police Station, District Barnala on May 4. Case No. 57 and Dhuri Police Station, District Sangrur on May 5. A. for the investigation of 170. D. Yes. P. A Special Investigation Team (SIT) should be formed under the leadership of a senior officer. B. I. To be handed over.
It has also demanded the recovery of weapons required in the cases. The petition also states that the police had arrested AK. Instead of 47, a toy pistol was recovered, due to which Sidhu Moose Wala was granted bail.
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